Check the Members Group (FB) and IG posts over next day for details as we gear up for a big Saturday ONLINE Members group WOD.
"CFSC At Home" WOD
150 Goblet Squats for time
*5 Sit-ups EMOM until completion, and starting w/ 5 sit-ups*
**10 min cap**
6 minute loaded carry
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Thursday, April 9th here:
Bench Press
(Can do DBs as well, take reps up to 8-10)
Bent Over Barbell Row
(Can do SA DB as well, take reps up to 10-12)
- Good solid loading on the Bench Press
- Get warmed up to a strong starting set of 5, somewhere around or above 70%. That will keep you limited on bigger jumps.
- Rest as needed between sets
- For the rows, standard bent over row position:
*Back stays flat
*Slow and controlled full range of motion
*Keep your elbows IN while pulling
*Focus on squeezing with the back and not overly relying on your biceps
CFSC "At Home" WOD
(details at link above!)