4/7/2020 Tuesday - CrossFit Soda City, Columbia, SC

January 20, 2021
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CrossFit Soda City is so ready to see you all again!

Enjoy today's "At Home" WOD, a mini-Murph style workout to get us all looking forward to HOPEFULLY taking on full #Murph together again this Memorial Day.

Also take a look at (and sign-up if you like!) the Week 1 #SupportYourLocalAffiliate WOD or the 3 released Workouts from #UnitedinMovement

Find links to both here:


United In Movement


for time:

800m Run

8 Rounds Strict Cindy

800m Run


1 min FLR

1 min OH Plate Carry

:30 Rest


Find full info HERE

Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Tuesday, April 7th here:


Back Squat



- Take time to warm-up your back squats

- Once you're at the rack, something like:

10 Empty Bar, 8 super light weight, then a 5 and then a 4 build going into first set of 3.

- Belt final 3 sets only as needed

- Stay away from failure

- Take your time with it


CFSC “At Home” WOD

(details at link above!)

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