Thank you to all of you wonderful CrossFit Soda City Members that joined us on Zoom this past Saturday for a class!

As we enter another week away from one another, just a reminder that your CrossFit Soda City team is here if you want to chat.
We can hop on a call, get some face time on zoom, whatever to answer any questions you may have. From nutrition to mobility, or if you just need some one to talk to. Don't be afraid to reach out to us!
We will be doing community Zoom WODs on Saturdays, and will continue to "Forge Elite Fitness" at home with you.
"CFSC At Home"
for time:
10 Alt DB Snatches
10 Hand Release Push-ups
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Alt Goblet Lunges
**15 min cap**
6-12 Standing 2 Handed Strict Press w/ DB/KB
*pause 2 sec at top*
8-15 Bent Over 2 Handed Rows w/ DB/KB
*pause 2 sec at retraction*
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Monday, April 13th here:
1RM Snatch
Go down to 70% of what you hit
5-7 Power Snatches at that weight
*Pause your catch for a 2 count
**Work on reinforcing fast turnover and strong lock-out
- Spend a lot of extra time on opening up your T-Spine, working
with a PVC Pipe, empty barbell, and really prime that bottom receiving position
- Leave the ego outside, if it gets sloppy, you're done
- 3 strikes and you're out: 3 misses and you're done
- Don't go up in weight if you didn't land it locked out, "chased" the bar forward to save it, anything like that.
- Do it right. Enjoy it.
CFSC “At Home” WOD
(details at link above!)