3/30/2020 Monday - CrossFit Soda City, Columbia, SC

January 20, 2021
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Reminder that CrossFit Soda City will be CLOSED the next two weeks due to the City of Columbia's "Stay At Home" Ordinance.

We are in the County, not City, but feel this is the right thing to do at this time.

CrossFit Soda City Member Shelby T.

CrossFit Soda CIty will continue to release "Regular" daily WODs on our website for those with home gyms, on base gyms, etc. The Regular WODs will have a few "notes" on them as needed.Along with this, we will continue our "CFSC At Home" Workouts and Extra Credit that will require nothing more equipment wise than what we have loaned out.

We have loaned out equipment to many of you, and will utilize some of these items in our WODs. The "At Home" WODs will also feature video tutorials and explanations when needed.

If you have NOT yet checked out equipment from us, please email us and we can set up a day/time to meet you at the gym and get you geared up!

Find our "CFSC At Home" Workouts, along with warm-ups, scaling options, modifications and more here:



Find a tough single Clean & Jerk in 12 minutes


Rest 3 minutes


6 minute AMRep

Max Clean & Jerks @ 75% of A


- Take your time and enjoy the warm-up. Get in a lot of work with an empty barbell

- First rep with weight is when the 12 minute clock starts

- This is NOT a 1RM, unless it happens naturally

- Belt as needed

- Clean can be power or squat

- Jerk can be push or split

- If the Jerk is not landed locked out while finding the tough single, don't go up in weight until it is

- For the AMRep, these should stay tech solid. Take percentages down further as needed to not lose consistency with your mechanics

- The AMRep begins at the 15 minute mark on the clock. Use the 3 minute rest to deload your bar to the appropriate weight

Extra Credit

1 mile Run

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