Hope you'll be joining us on Zoom at 9 a.m. this morning for some really BIG updates on renovations and SO MUCH MORE!
Email us to get the link!
"CFSC At Home" WOD
Every 2:00
7 5sec Pause Goblet Squats
6 Rounds
2 min on / 1 min off
3 V-Ups
3 Goblet Thrusters
3 UiM Burpees
6/6/6, 9/9/9, etc
*Continue where you left off
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Saturday, May 2nd here:
Every 2:30
2 5sec Pause FS + 2 FS (no rerack)
- Warm up for your Front Squats: Front Rack, bottom position, etc
- Include Back Crawls / Butt Scoots / Plank Rolls / Dead Bugs
- Warm-up your complex to a strong starting weight. This should be difficult, but not impossible, so NO FAILS
- Build as able without losing position, shorting your depth on the the pause, shorting the time on the pause, and being able to remain "Under Tension" right below parallel (basically, don't bottom out and sit)
- All 4 Front Squats will be done without reracking between the Pause and Regular. The first two reps are with a 5 second pause at the bottom, and immediately into 2 regular Front squats
- Belt as needed
- Full Gym metcon is something we hit back in December. It was terrible. It probably hasn't gotten any less terrible, but hopefully you've gotten better at it!
6 Rounds
3 min on / 3 min off
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 Bar Facing Burpees
6/6/6, 9/9/9, etc
*continue where you left off